Submission Guidelines
Thank you for wanting to share your words with RedLily® readers. Although this website is a voluntary-based platform, we do firmly abide by these Submission Guidelines. While professional writers are definitely welcome; we are open to non-writer submissions as well.
We invite you to submit material for web-only publication. Submissions should be no more than 850-1200 words. Remember, part of the healing process is breaking out of your comfort zone—so for those of you who have never been published before, we will work with you. Please review the details below on what to expect if your submission is accepted. Go here to Submit Your Story.
What to consider
We are looking for stories that reflect a personal journey or experience with important takeaways or lessons learned. We also cover heartfelt topics that touch the lives of women; such as health and wellness, spirituality, nutrition, travel, beauty, relationships, career, and more.
We also accept poetry, photo essays, book reviews, travel exposés, recipes, workout tips, and mindful event coverage. Please note that submissions will only be published once a contributor's release is signed by both parties. We do not accept hard copy submissions.
Since we believe in women supporting women, we are also open to sharing exciting news about your business, book or product launches, and non-profit initiatives. Please email your area of interest to [email protected]. With all submissions, we require relevant links and a brief bio so we can credit you or your organization.
We will also consider previously published pieces from your blog/site or Facebook page, however, we may ask you to lengthen your submission or alter slightly depending on the context in which it was previously published. If accepted, our editors will help finesse your work to make it more targeted to the RedLily® audience. We will find a photo to accompany your article as the featured image, but you are welcome to submit photos for consideration. You MUST own the rights to the photos.
Important to note
You must become familiar with the RedLily® audience and the scope of our platform before submitting. RedLily® covers an array of topics that are inspirational in nature. We DO NOT accept content that is detrimental to the integrity of our website or the other contributors. We have the right to refuse or edit submissions that do not come across as friendly or with a positive, uplifting tone.
If your submission is accepted
All contributors agree that their submission is indeed their work; and has been prepared for publication on RedLilyLIfe.com. Contributors also agree that their work may be edited for flow, clarity, grammar, and SEO purposes. We may also need to crop or resize personal photos to fit the parameters of our site.
Since this is a voluntary based site, there is no compensation at this time. In order to make this a win-win for everyone, we are dedicated to providing links to our contributors' websites, social media, and/or business pages. In exchange, contributors are expected to share their RedLily® articles with family and friends, and via social media, to help get our message out. Please mention you are published on RedLilyLIfe.com.
Upon submitting your work, we have the right to ask for further research and/or fact-checking if necessary. We also have the right to refuse a submission if the content is not applicable to our audience, platform, or we have published something similar. For more details, review our Terms of Use. If you have any questions regarding these guidelines, please email [email protected].
**To start the publishing process, please go here. We look forward to hearing from you soon!