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Why do women judge themselves so much? Why can’t we just be satisfied with who we are and what we do? Why do we compare ourselves with others and make ourselves feel...
February 20th, 2024
Many of us deal with abuse or toxicity in some way—whether it's in a close relationship at home or a colleague or a boss at work. Our contributor this week opens up...
March 6th, 2024
We've all been through a lot in life. Especially as we get older and realize that what we worried about in our twenties really doesn't matter in the long run. This...
February 27th, 2024
What happens when your heart almost gives out? Literally. Well, you take action! This personal heart story reveals how cardiac surgery fixed a newly discovered...
February 6th, 2024
When we experience pain and trauma in our lives, we often feel like giving up. But more often than not, we open ourselves up to the possibility of triumph. Here’s how...
January 21st, 2024
While this sacred platform is a vehicle for personal transformation and healing for those who contribute and read our posts, it’s also a place for people to share and...
December 1st, 2023