Kerrie Lee Brown

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About the Author: Kerrie Lee Brown is a women’s health advocate, business coach, speaker, and mom of two. She is also the founder of RedLily®. To read her full heart story, including “10 Signs You Need to Slow Down”, check out Kerrie’s self-help book “My Heart, My Self – A Heartfelt Guide for Women Who Do Too Much” on Amazon and for professional background visit:


Ready, Set, Goal! It’s Time For Change

Practical Self-Care Solutions You Can Try Today

Why Self-Care Is My Super Power

How to evolve your professional journey

My meeting with Deepak Chopra

Embracing Equine Therapy

How Pets Can Cure Loneliness

Born with a Heart Defect

My Post-Op Heart Story

Why The Body Doesn’t Lie

What My Kids Have Taught Me

Founder’s Message

Quick Tricks To Stress Less

Living With No Regrets

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